The Beginning

living in perfect happiness or great joy

This past year has been a whirlwind of changes. After a particularly rough patch, I fell into a depression. The things I enjoyed most were no longer joyful. I was sleep walking though my days. I just didn’t feel like I had the right to be happy.

Since I no longer had my own business, I had to find a job. Luckily I found an HR position with my local school system.

But I still wasn’t myself. After a particularly bad day at the office, which was a Friday, I was not a happy camper. I spent the weekend doing some soul searching about what I really wanted. The answer was to just be happy.

I have always been a happy, positive person and I had lost that about myself. At that moment I made a choice to be done with the pity party and Just Be Happy.

I watched a lot of YouTube, read lots of articles and books about living my best life full of gratitude, happiness and positivity.

And my journey began.

Follow along with me and I will share ways that you can be happier in your work life, home life, love life and mom life!

What will you learn?

Staying positive is easier than you think
Positive changes can begin very quickly
You will feel more Alive and Notice more to be Happy about
Lemons will fear you because your lemonade will be so sweet

Follow along on my journey to living my best life as the Blissful Granny.

Namaste as they say!