According to Science News:
“Smile! It makes everyone in the room feel better because they, consciously or unconsciously, are smiling with you. Growing evidence shows that an instinct for facial mimicry allows us to empathize with and even experience other people’s feelings. If we can’t mirror another person’s face, it limits our ability to read and properly react to their expressions.”
The Experiment:
Anytime we are among people during the pandemic, we must wear masks. I have been out doing Porch Portraits and taking necessary trips to the store all while wearing a mask. When I greet someone (even from 6 feet away), I always smile. But a smile doesn’t just come from your lips, it also comes from your eyes, your body language and your tone.
So my experiment was to smile at everyone I saw while wearing my mask to see if I could get a smile back. Viola! It works! Nearly every single time (except for one grumpy old man and one cranky lady). I tried it while grocery shopping and seeing people as they came down the aisle toward me. I tried it with a couple of cashiers. I tried it sitting at a red light and smiled at the people in the car next to me. It worked!
So try boosting your own happiness by continuing to smile at others even while wearing a mask. It will brighten their day as well!
Namaste, Y’all!
#smileexperiment #smiles #blissfulgranny #coronagoodnews #positivity