11 Amazingly Fun/Cheap Things to do With Your Grandkid.

I am a very lucky granny. My kids work second shift so I have my grandson two nights every week while they work. One night each week (usually Friday) we have Date Night. This usually consists of dinner with an obligatory selfie. Dinner can be anything from ordering pizza to a picnic in the backyard or actually going out to dinner (when it was and will be safe again to do so).

After dinner, we go on an adventure! Here are some of our favorite cheap/free places to hang out and create memories. Some of these were before Covid 19 so we will have adjust for the future. Glad to have captured these, though.

The Park
We love to go for walks in the woods. When the playgrounds are open, that is always fun, too. We count how many birds, squirrels or other wildlife we see. This is probably our favorite. A park with a creek to throw rocks in is definitely a plus. A park with construction equipment is a homerun.

Build a Blanket Fort
his is a favorite. Add in a few battery operated candles for even more fun.

Sidewalk Chalk
We’ve have made obstacle courses, tapped off patterns, practiced writing and drawing. You can get an entire bucket of chalk at the Dollar Tree.

Bake or Cook Together
We have made quesadillas, home made pizza, chocolate gravy and biscuits together. They learn so many skills from this activity and the plus is, you get to eat when you are done!

Neighborhood Walks
There is so much to learn when walking in the neighborhood. We learn about street safety and he loves spelling out the street signs and reading the numbers on mail boxes.

Puddle Jumping
What kid doesn’t like stomping around in puddles? Grab your rain boots and join in for a lot of free fun.

OMG, kids LOVE bubbles. It’s cheap and easy entertainment!

The Craft Store
We always have fun in the craft store. So many neat things to see and sometimes we find a new craft to do on another night.

The Mall
When we go to the mall we get lots of exercise, see lots of fun things and play on the rides. He doesn’t even want them to move, so that makes them FREE.

Bass Pro Shop
What’s not to love inside Bass Pro? He loves checking out the pontoon boats, seeing the animals, watching the turtles and fish. It’s a super cheap date.

The Bookstore
We usually can’t get out of the bookstore without purchasing a least one book, but the kid LOVES to read. The hardest part is finding books he doesn’t already have.

What are some of the things you like to do with your grandkids? I would love some new ideas! Leave a comment below to share your story.

Namaste, Y’all!

Granny Lori

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